Thursday, August 5, 2010

My insides speaking

be honest with me dont just drop off the planet

tell me you hate me

tell me you love me

tell me im a bitch!

tell me you never want to talk to me again

tell me im a sweetheart

don't keep it inside

it drives me crazy

it makes me sweat

and my heart beat faster

when i try to sleep

just the nerves of trying to understand

what someone is thinking

its wondering that drives me crazy

the what ifs

what could this be?

where could this lead?

i have decided im going to

say and do what exactly i feel

even though it sounds desperate

and clingy

its who I am ;)

and rejection i prefer over akward distance

and loss of interest

Sunday, August 30, 2009


Io sò molto bene.
Non c'é piú per né segnare.
Capisco questo squardo
il tempo tuo non é per sprecare.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

el teu amor ha retronat el meu ser

Només sé que el teu amor ha retornat el meu ser.
Però ara que ho tinc, no et necessito més.

i em vaig adonar que...

Jo pensava que et vaig perdre.
Però ara ho entenc tu em vas perdre.

Monday, April 20, 2009

No posts in a while :S

sorry and this isnt even that good of a post. 
this has just helped my mental health lately though.
just the fact of reading it. 
I am a harsh critic of the gay community because I feel that when I first came out I thought I would be entering a world of nonconformity and individuality and, au contraire, it turned out to be a world of clones in a certain way. You are expected to be a certain type of gay to move the community forward, whereas it has always been the fringe-y, crazy people who move it forward. We're the ones driving the bus, but we are the ones who are usually told to get in the back of the bus by the gay community. I also hated the whole body fascism thing that took over the gays for a long time.

Michael Musto

Sunday, February 8, 2009


tu: "Ho paura di dirti qualcosa di sbagliato.. Ti amo"
io: "Ridimmelo"
tu: "Ti amo"
io: "Non smettere mai di dirlo"
tu: "Ti amo ti amo ti amo.."
io: "Non sono mai stata così felice in vita mia"
tu: "Neanch'io"
io: "Così felice da toccare il cielo con un dito?"
tu: "No, molto di più, almeno TRE METRI SOPRA IL CIELO".

you: I'm scared to tell you something... I love you
Me: Say it again
You: I love you
Me: Don't stop but say it
You: I love you I love you I love you...
Me: I have never been so happy in my life.
You: Me neither
Me: Such happiness like this I could touch the sky with my fingers?
You: No, so much, your at lesat three meters away from blowing the sky away.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

That's Right

ok So Kelsey Said I have to talk about more trivial topics in my blogs *-*

DAMN STRAIGHT I am single, and Yes it is February and Valentines day is coming up.

Boys are too much trouble for me right now.

I'm barely getting things done without a relationship.

Things would be too much with one.

Plus Im happy right now

Why fix something that is'nt broken?

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Blogspot :D

Hello ! Hola! Oi! Salut! Ciao! Zdravo! 녕하세요! 

This is Sam, and I decided to make a Blogspot.
I will probably be discussing things that interest me
I wish I had more time to keep up this blog but
in this blog you will find info about.

I hope that you get something out of this blog :]